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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Music Magazine based Questionnaire 6


I have created my own questionnaire and have chosen to ask my peers and the sort of audiences that I am targeting and trying to attract with my magazine (which are young teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19)  a set of questions that would help me to know the taste of my audiences and the main features that would interest them most about my magazine. I am going to be asking audiences of different genders, race and musical taste in order to have a large range of opinion and to ensure that I have a large range of ideas for my magazine and the ideas that I am most comfortable with and can work well with. I will be asking them questions such as:
·   The amount of times they by magazines a month and how much they would be willing to pay for one. This allows me to choose an appropriate price for my music magazine so that my audience will be drawn to buy it rather than thinking that it is too expensive.
·   Where they are most likely to read a magazine, in a barber shop or at the doctors. This would allow me to create a magazine with an atmospheric pleasure.
·   Their favourite music genre(s). This is a really important factor as my magazine would be entirely based on the sort of genre that a large range of my audiences like the most and this would therefore effect the text, layout, colour scheme and pictures of subjects that my magazine is going to consist of.
·   If they would rather have a female or male subject on the front cover. This would help me in making a decision on whether my front cover is going to have a main female or male subject which my audience would be happy about and would be most attracted to.
·   If they prefer to have a male subject, would they like them to be topless or with their top on. This would affect the pose that my main subject would be in and the sort of clothing they would have on.
·   If they prefer a female figure, would they like them to be topless, showing cleavage or with a bra on. This would also affect the pose that my main subject would be in and the sort of clothing they would have on.
·   The rticles that they most are interest to read about in the magazine to keep them engaged and enticed. This is another important factor because of the fact that my magazine may look enticing but may not have the sort of articles that my magazine would consist of, this may cause reader boredom or may lead the reader to lose interest in my magazine and tell other people about how it is not very interesting, this is very crucial as word of mouth is very powerful and effective and I would like for there to be a buzz about my magazine and not lack of interest.
·   Finally I will also be asking them to compare two different magazines that are based on different genres; they will be comparing the picture on the front covers, the colour scheme, layout and text.
     The reason behind this questionnaire is for me to get the most of other people’s opinions and perspective about magazines which would therefore allow me to make the most of my magazine design and articles, this would help me to  produce a high quality of work which would satisfy both me and my target audience.

 Magazine 1

Magazine 2 

 I can come to a conclusive fact that my target audience and peers would like my magazine to consist of bold text that does not clutter the page, simple but attractive fonts and an enticing but simple colour scheme, therefore I am going to include all of these features and make sure that my front cover is not cluttered and looks attractive enough for people to buy it. A large range of my target audience would like my magazine front cover to consist of a male figure with his top on and also a large range of my target audience said that their favourite genres are hip-hop and R’n’B. because of this reason, the subject on my front cover would be a male figure and would be posing and wearing clothes that suit the hip-hop and R’n’B genre, this would ensure audience satisfactory and attraction. Furthermore my target audience are very interested in big and really eye-catching cover lines that feature some of their favourite rappers such as jay-z and for the cover lines to be interesting to read and want to find out more about.   

According to my audience research, I am expected to produce an eye-catching, hip-hop and R’n’B based magazine with very interesting articles. This has been an helpful audience research for me as I now have an idea of what my magazine is going to look like and the sort of articles that I am going to include in it, therefore I am going to make the most of the feedback I received from my target audience and I will be looking back at it whilst creating my while entire magazine to retrieve fresh ideas and ways that I could improve my magazine.  

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