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Monday 21 November 2011

Character Profile for my music magazine 7

The B.I.G. Reader Ajay, 17, a passionate R n B fan who dreams of being an R n B star himself, his hobbies are music based as he spends most of his time writing up songs and producing them in a studio, in his free time he is either listening to music on his phone or watching a music video on TV or on his computer. He has been a music fan since he was a young child and idolises famous rappers such as: Biggie Smalls, Eazy E and most of all 2pac. He has a lot of these rappers albums on his phone and hopes to be just like them one day.
Ajay also has an interest in gangster rap and generally has a look and swagger that portrays a gangster rapper, this perhaps represents the sort of rapper he wants to become in the future and ‘his identity’ in the world.            
I intend to target audiences such as Ajay by making my magazine consist of articles on the music industry that he is interested in, TV programs that he enjoys watching, making the subject on the front cover wear clothing that would appeal to them and putting interesting cover-lines about the sort of R n B artists and songs that they might find interesting.

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