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Tuesday 8 November 2011

Blender Music Magazine Front Cover 4

Blender Music Magazine Front Cover

The magazine front cover consists of a world famous female singer in a medium long shot which shows her head, arms and waist. She is sitting on what seems to be a couch with her legs open and her knees are visible in the shot. The photograph covers the whole of the magazine and has a yellow theme to it. The masthead of the magazine ‘Blender’ is placed behind her head and in front of her are 5 cover-lines which are writing in white with the headings highlighted in blue. Her name is writing in a big, bold and yellow writing just like the masthead and the number 43, the barcode is visibly shown in the bottom right corner of the magazine.

The font of the masthead is sans serif and has a cut across it to represent a blender as the name of the masthead is Blender, the whole word is in capital lettering and the letters do not join up with each other as there is a space between each letter to show importance and makes the reader focus more on the masthead.                                   

The photograph is of a world famous and successful singer ‘Mariah Carey’.

Her pose, clothing and her slouched body language is very sexually seductive and seems like she is trying to sensually trying to attract the attention of a male audience. 

Her clothing is lingerie type clothing, which is very revealing and shows a lot of cleavage. This costume was chosen by the magazine to appeal to a target audience which are most likely to be a male audience as her clothing sexually attractive along with her waved hair to complete the look.

Her non-verbal communication is very tender and the fact that she is looking at the camera in an enticing manner with her legs open and her arm in between makes the look very enticing and male provocative.

The lighting is very carefully dimmed, which reinforces the fact that the magazine has chosen the front cover to be sexually suggestive.

The setting seems to be in a room with a dark background with her sitting on a single leather chair with. The chair was perhaps chosen to create a sensual image in the front cover.

The magazine consists of 5 cover-lines. The main cover-line that stands out the most is the one that relates to her saying: “Sexy, rich, single Mariah Carey. And oh yeah she can sing too”. This relates to her photograph as being sexy and posing this way because of the fact that she is single, also the fact that the word “sing” is underlined and her names is writing in big, bold, block lettering connotes the fact that Mariah Carey is seen as a great singer and an important figure.  The other 4 cover-lines on the front cover of the magazine seemingly stray away from Mariah Carey and focus more on gossip cover-lines that the audience may be interested in. these cover-lines include stories such as “fourth marriages”,” liposuctions”, “hip replacements” and “the 43 most unnecessary artists ever”, these cover-lines will surely interest those who love to gossip about celebrities and would also get them engaged.

Target Audience
The most likely audience that this magazine would attract would most likely be male adults and perhaps middle aged women because the front cover would entice a lot of male adults that have a thing for sexy looking young women wearing sexual clothing. However this would not interest the female audience but the cover-lines that are provided about celebrity gossip would get them engaged in the reading of this magazine and would not leave them feeling left out.

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