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Monday 21 November 2011

Character Profile for my music magazine 7

The B.I.G. Reader Ajay, 17, a passionate R n B fan who dreams of being an R n B star himself, his hobbies are music based as he spends most of his time writing up songs and producing them in a studio, in his free time he is either listening to music on his phone or watching a music video on TV or on his computer. He has been a music fan since he was a young child and idolises famous rappers such as: Biggie Smalls, Eazy E and most of all 2pac. He has a lot of these rappers albums on his phone and hopes to be just like them one day.
Ajay also has an interest in gangster rap and generally has a look and swagger that portrays a gangster rapper, this perhaps represents the sort of rapper he wants to become in the future and ‘his identity’ in the world.            
I intend to target audiences such as Ajay by making my magazine consist of articles on the music industry that he is interested in, TV programs that he enjoys watching, making the subject on the front cover wear clothing that would appeal to them and putting interesting cover-lines about the sort of R n B artists and songs that they might find interesting.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Music Magazine based Questionnaire 6


I have created my own questionnaire and have chosen to ask my peers and the sort of audiences that I am targeting and trying to attract with my magazine (which are young teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19)  a set of questions that would help me to know the taste of my audiences and the main features that would interest them most about my magazine. I am going to be asking audiences of different genders, race and musical taste in order to have a large range of opinion and to ensure that I have a large range of ideas for my magazine and the ideas that I am most comfortable with and can work well with. I will be asking them questions such as:
·   The amount of times they by magazines a month and how much they would be willing to pay for one. This allows me to choose an appropriate price for my music magazine so that my audience will be drawn to buy it rather than thinking that it is too expensive.
·   Where they are most likely to read a magazine, in a barber shop or at the doctors. This would allow me to create a magazine with an atmospheric pleasure.
·   Their favourite music genre(s). This is a really important factor as my magazine would be entirely based on the sort of genre that a large range of my audiences like the most and this would therefore effect the text, layout, colour scheme and pictures of subjects that my magazine is going to consist of.
·   If they would rather have a female or male subject on the front cover. This would help me in making a decision on whether my front cover is going to have a main female or male subject which my audience would be happy about and would be most attracted to.
·   If they prefer to have a male subject, would they like them to be topless or with their top on. This would affect the pose that my main subject would be in and the sort of clothing they would have on.
·   If they prefer a female figure, would they like them to be topless, showing cleavage or with a bra on. This would also affect the pose that my main subject would be in and the sort of clothing they would have on.
·   The rticles that they most are interest to read about in the magazine to keep them engaged and enticed. This is another important factor because of the fact that my magazine may look enticing but may not have the sort of articles that my magazine would consist of, this may cause reader boredom or may lead the reader to lose interest in my magazine and tell other people about how it is not very interesting, this is very crucial as word of mouth is very powerful and effective and I would like for there to be a buzz about my magazine and not lack of interest.
·   Finally I will also be asking them to compare two different magazines that are based on different genres; they will be comparing the picture on the front covers, the colour scheme, layout and text.
     The reason behind this questionnaire is for me to get the most of other people’s opinions and perspective about magazines which would therefore allow me to make the most of my magazine design and articles, this would help me to  produce a high quality of work which would satisfy both me and my target audience.

 Magazine 1

Magazine 2 

 I can come to a conclusive fact that my target audience and peers would like my magazine to consist of bold text that does not clutter the page, simple but attractive fonts and an enticing but simple colour scheme, therefore I am going to include all of these features and make sure that my front cover is not cluttered and looks attractive enough for people to buy it. A large range of my target audience would like my magazine front cover to consist of a male figure with his top on and also a large range of my target audience said that their favourite genres are hip-hop and R’n’B. because of this reason, the subject on my front cover would be a male figure and would be posing and wearing clothes that suit the hip-hop and R’n’B genre, this would ensure audience satisfactory and attraction. Furthermore my target audience are very interested in big and really eye-catching cover lines that feature some of their favourite rappers such as jay-z and for the cover lines to be interesting to read and want to find out more about.   

According to my audience research, I am expected to produce an eye-catching, hip-hop and R’n’B based magazine with very interesting articles. This has been an helpful audience research for me as I now have an idea of what my magazine is going to look like and the sort of articles that I am going to include in it, therefore I am going to make the most of the feedback I received from my target audience and I will be looking back at it whilst creating my while entire magazine to retrieve fresh ideas and ways that I could improve my magazine.  

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Vibe Music Magazine Front Cover 5

Vibe Music Magazine Front Cover

The front cover of the magazine is of a female American singer who is well known her music and beauty in a medium close up showing her body from chest up.  Furthermore the magazine consists of a masthead and 5 cover-lines and has a distinctive theme colour of red white and blue signifying the fact that the character on the front cover is American and also that the magazine is American, this magazine therefore has some American history to it and it is being highlighted by the choice of theme colour which also connotes that the magazine is based on American music and culture.

The masthead is writing in big, red and bold sans serif writing which is writing right across the top of the magazine, there is spacing between all the letters and they are not joined up this creates a sense of significance which tells us that the masthead ‘VIBE’ has an important meaning behind it. ‘VIBE’ comes from the word vibrant which perhaps describes the style of magazine and the people that are put on the front cover.

The character on the front cover of the magazine is “The American beauty Keyshia Cole”.

Her pose and body language is very sexual as she is slightly looking away from the camera and she has got her teeth showing.

The fact that she is actually naked tells us that the magazine is targeting a male audience.

Keyshia Cole has her breasts being covered and held by her hand in her non-verbal communication which shows that she is trying to attract a certain audience and also trying to promote herself and her beauty in a sensual and enticing manner.

The lighting presented is bright and the brightest spot is mainly on Keyshia Cole, to create an effect of her being put in the spotlight.

There isn’t much of a setting being shown but the background is in plain white with all the writing being blue and red to create an American atmospheric sense/ picture.  

There are 5 cover-lines shown on the cover of the magazine with the major one being about Keyshia Cole which says: “American Beauty Keyshia Cole “, this emphasises the fact the magazine is based on American music and also promotes Keyshia Cole, who is representing America and perhaps the beauty of all American women. 
One of the cover-lines mentions a list of other famous American artists which include: “Nelly”, “Bow Wow” and “Omarion”.  Apart from music, the cover-lines on the lower right hand side of the magazine cover there is some celebrity gossip included, some of which are “Celeb Secret Santa” which may appeal with a female audience.

The Audience
The audience that this magazine would attract is largely a male audience that have an interest in American music, culture and women. This is due to the reason that Keyshia Cole is put on the front cover of the magazine with no clothing and the theme colour of the magazine is in the world famous red, white and blue colours which come from the American flag. The magazine can also attract a small female audience that are interested in American celebrity gossip and scandals. 

Blender Music Magazine Front Cover 4

Blender Music Magazine Front Cover

The magazine front cover consists of a world famous female singer in a medium long shot which shows her head, arms and waist. She is sitting on what seems to be a couch with her legs open and her knees are visible in the shot. The photograph covers the whole of the magazine and has a yellow theme to it. The masthead of the magazine ‘Blender’ is placed behind her head and in front of her are 5 cover-lines which are writing in white with the headings highlighted in blue. Her name is writing in a big, bold and yellow writing just like the masthead and the number 43, the barcode is visibly shown in the bottom right corner of the magazine.

The font of the masthead is sans serif and has a cut across it to represent a blender as the name of the masthead is Blender, the whole word is in capital lettering and the letters do not join up with each other as there is a space between each letter to show importance and makes the reader focus more on the masthead.                                   

The photograph is of a world famous and successful singer ‘Mariah Carey’.

Her pose, clothing and her slouched body language is very sexually seductive and seems like she is trying to sensually trying to attract the attention of a male audience. 

Her clothing is lingerie type clothing, which is very revealing and shows a lot of cleavage. This costume was chosen by the magazine to appeal to a target audience which are most likely to be a male audience as her clothing sexually attractive along with her waved hair to complete the look.

Her non-verbal communication is very tender and the fact that she is looking at the camera in an enticing manner with her legs open and her arm in between makes the look very enticing and male provocative.

The lighting is very carefully dimmed, which reinforces the fact that the magazine has chosen the front cover to be sexually suggestive.

The setting seems to be in a room with a dark background with her sitting on a single leather chair with. The chair was perhaps chosen to create a sensual image in the front cover.

The magazine consists of 5 cover-lines. The main cover-line that stands out the most is the one that relates to her saying: “Sexy, rich, single Mariah Carey. And oh yeah she can sing too”. This relates to her photograph as being sexy and posing this way because of the fact that she is single, also the fact that the word “sing” is underlined and her names is writing in big, bold, block lettering connotes the fact that Mariah Carey is seen as a great singer and an important figure.  The other 4 cover-lines on the front cover of the magazine seemingly stray away from Mariah Carey and focus more on gossip cover-lines that the audience may be interested in. these cover-lines include stories such as “fourth marriages”,” liposuctions”, “hip replacements” and “the 43 most unnecessary artists ever”, these cover-lines will surely interest those who love to gossip about celebrities and would also get them engaged.

Target Audience
The most likely audience that this magazine would attract would most likely be male adults and perhaps middle aged women because the front cover would entice a lot of male adults that have a thing for sexy looking young women wearing sexual clothing. However this would not interest the female audience but the cover-lines that are provided about celebrity gossip would get them engaged in the reading of this magazine and would not leave them feeling left out.

Monday 7 November 2011

Vibe magazine front cover denotation 3

Vibe music magazine front cover

The magazine consists of a famous celebrity in a medium close up shot putting up his wedding finger at the camera and the selling line is about him being NO.1 and underneath this it says “and married with a vengeance”, this highlights the significance of his marriage and on top of that he is number 1. Furthermore, because Usher is black it connotes the fact that Hip Hop comes from the black society and has an historical meaning.

Vibe’s Masthead consists of a big, blue and bold lettering. The font is a sans serif font and the masthead ‘vibe’ comes from the word vibrant which means pulsating with life, or activity giving a sense the magazine containing celebrities with vibrant personalities and lifestyles.

The Cover photograph is of a successful American Hip Hop star ‘Usher Raymond’.

Usher’s clothing is very formal and consists of his wedding ring a watch and sunshades. The costume has been chosen to attract its target audience which is most likely teenagers and middle aged adults. His clothing is similar to which he wears in a majority of his music videos.              

Usher’s non-verbal communication is audience appealing as he has his wedding finger pointed in up and he is looking directly at the camera.

The lighting is bright, representing daytime.

There isn’t a major setting being shown but he seems to be standing in front of a building which suits his attire and look, and the fact that he covers most of the magazine front cover shows that he has an important status in society.

The main cover-line that relates to the photo says: “Usher the king is back he’s NO.1 and married with a vengeance this reinforces the fact that Usher is sticking up his wedding finger with a ring in tact and the fact that he is on the front cover connotes the fact that “he’s NO.1”. The different cover-lines illustrate the fact that the magazine isn’t only based on music but it’s actually diverse in what it writes about. Stories included in cover-lines include: “Keri Hilson strips down”, “15 shocking celebrity sex scandals” and more. All of the cover-lines are writing in sans serif connoting more current affairs and news, this is also emphasised by the all the cover-lines being modern based and targeted at an audience that is not of the elderly aged because they would have a more historical memory and interest.     

Target Audience
This magazine is most likely to be targeted at people aged around 17-35. This age group would have the common and modern fashion sense, and have a definite interest in the musical industry, American music (most likely Hip Hop/ R ‘n’ B music) as the magazine is an American magazine and celebrity news and scandals.